Creedmoor Road Animal Hospital

5919 Creedmoor Road, Raleigh, NC 27612

Phone: (919) 706-0437

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Dr. Steven Grubb

Dr. Steven Grubb

Dr. Steven Grubb graduated magna cum laude from the University Of Georgia College Of Veterinary Medicine, after earning an undergraduate degree from Wake Forest University.

Dr. Grubb is devoted to his clients and their pet’s needs. He is empathetic to his client’s needs, while educating the client on what is best for their pet’s life quality. He has devoted his life to the bond between humans and pets. He has implemented children’s hospital and senior citizens’ pet visitations to help in their healing and health.

Dr. Grubb completed a three year Practitioner Residency Program with the American Dental Veterinary College. Dr. Grubb has extensive experience with orthopedic surgery, soft tissue surgery, and dental periodontic, endodontic, and orthodontic procedures. He has served with SART and VMAT Disaster Animal Response Teams and served in many disaster areas, especially during the Katrina Gulf Coast Hurricane disaster. He currently serves with NAHERC, a federal government animal health emergency management team, for both domestic and foreign disasters. He has served in the capacity of Public Information Officer and has also been a past Public Relations Officer for the NCVMA. He has served as a Veterinary Medical Officer for both the USDA and NCDA. Dr. Grubb has served extensively with veterinary mission work throughout many parts of the world, especially with CVM Missions.

Dr. Grubb is a member of the AVMA, NCVMA, WCVMA, and the American Veterinary Dental Society. He has received academic recognition, such as Phi Zeta and Phi Beta Kappa. He has also received awards, such as Alpha Psi Practice Excellence Award and AM Mills Award, recognizing highest standards in a practice.

Dr. Grubb and this facility have several times been recognized as best veterinarian, best facility, and best pet boarding in the Triangle. He enjoys boating, fishing, golf, nature walks, dancing, travel, and spending time with his family.