Animal Hospital of Loves Park

5036 N. 2nd St., Loves Park, IL 61111

Phone: (779) 200-3817

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Dr. Shahid Amin

Dr. Shahid Amin

Dr. Shahid Amin has been practicing veterinary medicine for eleven years. He went to University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to complete his clinical training. He has practiced veterinary medicine in his native town Champaign from 2001-2010.  He replaced Dr. patel in 2011 at Animal Hospital of Loves Park. He has been working diligently to help his furry tail patients and our dear clients since joining Animal hospital of Loves Park. He believes in providing quality medicine and care for his patients. 

Dr. Amin has received PhD in toxicology from University of Illiois at Urban-Champaign. However, Dr. Amin is clinician at heart so instead of going in research he decided to continue practice veterinary medicine. He is enthusiastic about continuous education to keep him equipped with latest veterinary information regarding diagnosis and treatment of pets. He is also enthusiastic about educating clients regarding their pet disease and what is good for pet well-being.