Mid Island Animal Hospital

264 West Old Country Road, Hicksville, NY 11801

Phone: (516) 543-6999

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Dr. Jennifer Robeson

Dr. Jennifer Robeson

I have known since a very early age that I wanted to be a veterinarian. I have always had a love of animals and have had dogs and hamsters throughout my childhood. As a native of Hicksville, my family brought my childhood pets to Mid Island Animal Hospital and I fondly remember those early experiences. I never forgot the compassion with which we were treated here, especially with my dog Lucky, and always intended to come back as a veterinarian after finishing my schooling. I still wear Lucky?s dog tags on my stethoscope as a daily reminder as to why I am here, working to help animals that are as important to their owners as Lucky was to me. 

      After graduating from Hicksville High School, I majored in biochemistry at SUNY Geneseo in western New York. After a brief foray into biomedical research, I decided to fulfill the prerequisite courses necessary for veterinary school. I realized that there was nothing else I could ever imagine doing with my life and the further schooling was well worth the reward of knowing that I am doing exactly what I always felt I was meant to do. I graduated from Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine in 2006 and returned to Long Island to practice. I truly enjoy the puzzles of medicine and often bring my work home with me, going over cases in my mind and sometimes out loud with my husband, sister, and father, all of whom are in the medical profession. My professional interests include internal medicine, surgery, and dentistry. I also have a soft spot for beagles and have owned a few over the years. I am blessed to say that I truly love my career and strive every day to learn as much as possible and be the best doctor I can be. 
     In my free time, I enjoy skiing, traveling, cooking, and reading. My husband and I are new homeowners as well and so we spend a lot of our free time working on and around our new house! I also enjoy spending time with my family: my husband, Trevor, our dogs Skippy and Miles, and our cat Cinder.