Signal Hill Animal Clinic

9554 Liberia Ave, Manassas, VA 20110

Phone: (703) 659-8288

Call Us (703) 659-8288

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If this is an emergency, please contact your local Emergency Veterinary Hospital immediately, or call 911.

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Rachel, Receptionist

Rachel, Receptionist

Rachel has been a veterinary assistant/receptionist for 4 years and loves
animals of all shapes and sizes. She is a mother of a baby boy, and has 2
four-legged "children", "Elvis" a black lab, and "Chewbacca" a Persian cat.
Also a lover of reptiles, she owns a snake, a leopard gecko, and a bearded
dragon. She doesn't have much free time, but the little time she does have
is spent with her son, or 4-wheeling in the woods!