Sandstone Animal Hospital

1467 West Bagley Rd, Berea, OH 44017

Phone: (440) 295-9105

Call Us (440) 295-9105

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Requesting a call from a local Animal Hospital is easy! Fill out the form below and your local clinic will contact you as soon as they can.

If this is an emergency, please contact your local Emergency Veterinary Hospital immediately, or call 911.

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Iyonna, Receptionist & Assistant

Iyonna, Receptionist & Assistant

yonna grew up in Bedford and recently moved to Parma Heights to attend the veterinary technology program at Cuyahoga Community College. She has a special interest in radiology. Her previous experience includes working at a well-known grooming salon, where she bathed dogs of all different shapes and sizes!

Since joining the staff of Sandstone Animal Hospital, Iyonna is known for her superior phone skills at the reception desk. She is the mother of 2 girls. In her spare time, she enjoys baking, swimming, and watching movies.