Sandstone Animal Hospital

1467 West Bagley Rd, Berea, OH 44017

Phone: (440) 295-9105

Call Us (440) 295-9105

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Tracy, Registered Veterinary Technician

Tracy, Registered Veterinary Technician

Tracy’s love and compassion for animals began as a child growing up on a dairy farm in Seville, Ohio. She began her career in the veterinary field 17 years ago and is now a Registered Veterinary Technician. She graduated valedictorian of her class atStautzenberger College.

Tracy is active in animal rescue and has fostered & rehabilitated many animals over the years. She has a menagerie of pets including a great dane, a labrador retriever, a one-eyed cat, an FIV positive cat, and a couple goats. She has a special interest in animal behavior and clicker training. Besides being the lead technician at the hospital, Tracy also manages Smith House Calls.