Emerald Animal Hospital

4185 Ridge Rd, Cleveland, OH 44144

Phone: (216) 672-0784

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Briana grew up with many different animals, from dogs and cats to horses, skunks, and alpacas. She attended many dog shows with her mom and their show dog, Buttons the briard. When she was ten years old, she snuck into her parents’ bathroom with her miniature schnauzer, a pair of clippers, and a picture of a schnauzer for reference. She tried her hardest to get that dog to look like the one in the picture, and that was when she fell in love with grooming. It turned out better than expected, and mom was very impressed. She kept practicing and got her very first job at a grooming salon when she turned 18. The groomers there, including her current co-worker Sheila, helped her refine her skills. She has been a professional groomer for 6 years.

Briana also has experience working with rescue dogs, who needed a little more time and patience than others. She hopes that her pet clients have a relaxing experience while they are with her. She likes to show the timid dogs that grooming can be a fun time for them. Briana also enjoys her own pet family, which include 2 dogs, a rescued horse, and a few reptiles.



Pet owners from Parma, Parma Hts, North Royalton, Middleburg Hts, Brook Park, and Berea trust us with their pets.  Our vets are very thorough, compassionate, and caring.
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