Animal Care Center

698 West 500 South,, West Bountiful, UT 84087

Phone: (801) 447-2497

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Dr. Pam Nichols

Dr. Pam Nichols

Dr. Pam Nichols earned her doctorate in veterinary medicine from Colorado State University in 1996. She opened Animal Care Center in West Bountiful, Utah, in 1999, and was awarded AAHA certification that year. The hospital won the Veterinary Economics Practice of Excellence in 2001. After earning her rehabilitation certification in 2004, Dr. Nichols opened the K-9 Rehab Center. She now divides her time between rehabilitation and general veterinary medicine. Dr. Nichols is a nationally recognized speaker on the importance of rehabilitation in veterinary medicine and was honored with the 2006 Spirit of the American Woman Business Owner of the Year award. She has a 13-year-old daughter, Elaine, and a multitude of dogs and horses.