Roosevelt Veterinary Center

1515 Rt. 22 Suite D3, Brewster, NY 10509

Phone: (845) 207-8472

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Dr. Loren Goldstein

Dr. Loren Goldstein

Dr. Loren Goldstein joined us in August 2012.  Dr. Goldstein graduated from St. George's University of Veterinary Medicine in Grenada where she received an award for excellence in small animal surgery. She is dedicated to her involvement in the small animal community as a current member of  the American  Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) and by completing several externships in emergency care, shelter medicine and general practice. Her professional interests include surgery, dentistry and ophthalmology. Dr. Goldstein has returned to her hometown in Westchester where she lives with her four dogs: an American Pit Bull, a Japanese Chin, a Chihuahua and a Belgian Malinois. In her free time she enjoys hiking with her dogs and trying new restaurants.