Roosevelt Veterinary Center

1515 Rt. 22 Suite D3, Brewster, NY 10509

Phone: (845) 207-8472

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Dr. Allison Glassman

Dr. Allison Glassman

Allison Glassman, a 2001 graduate of Ross University’s School of VeterinaryMedicine, opened Roosevelt Veterinary Center in Brewster in 2005.  Using modern surgical techniques, the practice became a local success with its popular low-cost spay and neuter clinics.  In January 2012 Dr. Glassman decided to expand her growing business in Brewster to the historical city of Beacon. Our Beacon location opened on July 23, 2012 and Dr. Glassman splits her time between both offices.  Dr. Glassman is the proud parent of four children: 6 year old Maggie, 4 year old Sean, a handsome Bassett hound named Blue, and Stanley the cat.