Carolina Pets Animal Hospital

5922 Weddington Monroe Rd, Wesley Chapel, NC 28104

Phone: (704) 220-0226

Fax: (866) 593-0226

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Dr. Zoe Forward

Dr. Zoe Forward

Dr. Forward received her D.V.M. degree from The Ohio State University in 2000. She received certification from the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners (ABVP) in canine/feline practice in 2009. Dr. Forward’s special interests include canine/feline dentistry, dermatology, internal medicine, as well as small mammal medicine (i.e. rabbits, ferrets, and rodents).

Dr. Forward, a native to North Carolina, received her undergraduate degree from Duke University, where she studied Biological Anthropology & Anatomy and primatology. Dr. Forward spent time in Madagascar studying lemurs and assisting on a pilot project studying fossa (Cryptoprocta ferrox), the largest carnivores of Madagascar’s forestss.

A special technique she developed to treat fungal urinary tract infections in dogs was published in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (Forward, Z.A., A. M. Legendre, H.D. Khalsa.. 2002. Use of intermittent bladder infusion with clotrimazole for treatment of candiduria in a dog. JAVMA, 220: 10).