Animal Health Clinic Funkstown

26 E Baltimore St, Funkstown, MD 21734

Phone: (301) 733-7579

Fax: (301) 745-4780

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Dr. Virginia Scrivener

Dr. Virginia Scrivener

Dr. Virginia Scrivener, is originally from this area. She attended Boonsboro High School and HCC before heading to Ohio State where she earned her DVM in 1988.

She opened the Animal Health Clinic of Funsktown in 1993. She has 3 dogs and 1 cat:  "Katie", a golden retriever, that has had hip surgery and a broken leg repaired.

A mischievous golden retriever named "Ginger" and the newest addition to her family is a large breed terrier mix named "Dallas".

Dr. Scrivener also rescued a black and white domestic shorthair named Zora.