Fort Caroline Animal Clinic

5844 Fort Caroline Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32277

Phone: (904) 744-1100

Fax: (904) 744-0640

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Dr. Charles W. Athey, D.V.M

Dr. Charles W. Athey, D.V.M

Dr. Charles W. Athey graduated from Auburn University Veterinary Medical School in 1976. He married Cynthia in 1971, and they have two children, Stephanie and Whitfield. Dr. Athey has been practicing in Jacksonville since 1976, and became the owner of Fort Caroline Animal Clinic in 1983.

He has a seven- year-old, female, chocolate Labrador retriever named Bailey who comes to work with him each day. Dr. Athey's practice interests include dermatology and orthopedic surgery.