Chatham Animal Hospital

105 Oceana Pl, Cary, NC 27513

Phone: (919) 469-8114

Fax: (919) 469-8107

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Dr. David Krakowski

Dr. David Krakowski

Dr. Krakowski received his B.S. degree from Muskingum College and his DVM from The Ohio State University. After leaving Veterinary school he took a position with Dr. T.C. Needham in Wilmington, N.C. and spent five years learning the art and science of veterinary medicine in general practice with an emphasis on surgery.

In 1983 he founded Chatham Animal Hospital in downtown Cary. His special interests include canine and feline medicine and surgery, Laser surgery, and diseases of the ear. He shares his house and hospital day with two dogs (Banjo and YoYo), and two children.