Princeton Animal Hospital

726 Alexander Rd, Princeton, NJ 08540

Phone: (609) 520-2000

Fax: (609) 520-2000

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Terry Miele, DVM

Terry Miele, DVM

Co-owner of Princeton Animal Hospital and Director of the Carnegie Cat Clinic, Dr. Terry Miele attended Rutgers University and graduated in 1980 with a Bachelor of Science in Animal Science. In 1982, after earning a Master's in Entomology, Dr. Miele was admitted to veterinary school and graduated in 1987 from Ohio State University's School of Veterinary Medicine with a Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine.

Dr. Miele has been practicing veterinary medicine at Princeton Animal Hospital since 1989. Her areas of particular professional interest include feline medicine and surgery.

Dr. Terry Miele is married to Dr. Jim Miele, co-owner and a general practitioner at Princeton Animal Hospital. She enjoys reading, weight lifting and Crossfit. She shares her home with her three cats: Spoodles, Stella, and Cattivo