Hill Creek Veterinary Hospital

23 Rectory Street, Pittsboro, NC 27312

Phone: (919) 542-1141

Fax: (919) 542-4720

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Bonnie Ammerman Terll, DVM Practice owner

Bonnie Ammerman Terll, DVM Practice owner

Dr. Bonnie Terll graduated from NCSU College of Veterinary Medicine in 1992. She and Dr. Pat Pagel opened Hill Creek Veterinary Hospital in 1998. Her medical interests include small animal internal medicine, soft tissue surgery, client and staff education, and a holistic and realistic approach to therapy. Her hobbies include horseback (trail) riding, gardening, and stained glass work. Dr. Terll lives in Siler City. She has 2 dogs, 4 cats, and 3 horses