Spring Hill Animal Clinic

453 Ned Ridge Rd, New Freeport, PA 15352

Phone: (724) 447-2283

Fax: (866) 593-4908

Call Us (724) 447-2283

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Judy M. Streit

Judy was born in Amherst, New York and raised in Buffalo, New York. She left New York at the age of 19 to work on the airlines where she worked for several years. After leaving the airlines and coming to Greene County, she became a farmer and worked for Greene County Humane Society for four years. Judy has been working with the public throughout her whole life. She now lives in Holbrook, Pennsylvania. Her interests are “anything to do with animals”. She has two dogs, Blue and Spooky, and 13 cats. Hobbies include gardening, farming, and volunteering.