Spring Hill Animal Clinic

453 Ned Ridge Rd, New Freeport, PA 15352

Phone: (724) 447-2283

Fax: (866) 593-4908

Call Us (724) 447-2283

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If this is an emergency, please contact your local Emergency Veterinary Hospital immediately, or call 911.

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Mr. William A. Soles Practice Manager

William is the Practice Manager at Springhill Animal Clinic. He was born and raised in New Freeport, Pennsylvania. He has worked for Springhill Animal Clinic since 2009.

Hobbies: website designing, traveling, hiking, outdoor activities, and much more. Pets include my dog Loopsy and my cats Lucky and Big Foot. I am planning on becoming a practice owner in the future. Best way to contact me is by email, because I am usually not available by phone.