Spring Hill Animal Clinic

453 Ned Ridge Rd, New Freeport, PA 15352

Phone: (724) 447-2283

Fax: (866) 593-4908

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Dr. Vicky L. Soles, DVM Veterinarian

Education: Kent State University, Ross University, Oklahoma University

Dr. Vicky Soles was born in Orrville, Ohio. Raised in the Akron, Ohio area and now resides in the New Freeport area with her practice. Dr. Soles attended Kent State University where she obtained her Bachelor degree in Zoology. She continued her education at Ross University, where she spent 2 ½ years working for her degree in veterinary medicine. Then she attended 6 months at Oklahoma University where she completed her education and passed the North American Licensing Exam, to obtain her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree (DVM) in 1989. To expand her education, she then went to practice veterinary medicine in Ontario, Canada where she went to aid veterinarians at two small animal practices and one large animal practice for a total of 4 mouths. Then she went to aid veterinarians at a dairy practice in Plymouth, Wisconsin for approximately a month.Dr. Soles then worked alongside of Dr. Michael J. Miller, DVM from 1990 to 1994. After she completed her work with Dr. Miller she built and opened Springhill Animal Clinic in April of 1994.

Professional interests include surgery and continuing education. Pets include Blackie, her poodle, and her cats, Emilia, Fuzz, Forest, Baby, Baby Lloyd, and Little Man. She has one hobby and that is gardening.