DPC Veterinary Hospital

6991 Stirling Rd, Davie, FL 33314

Phone: (954) 998-9879

Fax: (954) 989-8660

Call Us (954) 998-9879

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If this is an emergency, please contact your local Emergency Veterinary Hospital immediately, or call 911.

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Stephany, Treatment Nurse

Stephany, Treatment Nurse

My name is Stephany and I have been a member of the DPC team since 2008. I work as both a technician and a front desk receptionist.

My love of animals has kept me working in this field since 2006 and I could not be happier. I love my job and the fact that each day brings new challenges. My goal is to make your visit to our clinic as pleasant as possible, and assist you in any way that I can.

I am originally from Brazil but am now a resident of the Sunshine State! I am happy to communicate with our clients in Portuguese whenever needed.

When I'm not working I enjoy spending time with my fiancé, Diego, and my furry baby Pikachu! I look forward to meeting you on your next visit with us.