DPC Veterinary Hospital

6991 Stirling Rd, Davie, FL 33314

Phone: (954) 998-9879

Fax: (954) 989-8660

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Karina, Lab Tech

Karina, Lab Tech

Hello, my name is Karina. I'm 27 years old and have been working at DPC Veterinary Hospital since July 2010. I currently work as one of the lab techs and occasionally you can find me answering the phones at the front desk as well. I'm usually the person you will speak to if you ever need a Spanish translator on the phone.

I was born in Chile, but moved to South Florida at the age of 6. Ever since I can remember, I have fond memories of growing up around all sorts of different animals from rabbits, chickens and peacocks; to fresh water fish, turtles and birds of all kinds. I also do have a soft spot for all sorts of kitties and Siberian Huskies as well! What can I say; I just love all sorts of creatures both big and small!

After high school, I attended the University of Florida, where I earned my Bachelors of Science degree in Animal Sciences with a minor in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation. (Go Gators!) I plan on obtaining my Masters degree in Marine Biology in the near future and hopefully will be able to work with Sea Turtles at that time.

In my spare time I also enjoy reading, camping, going to the beach and exploring all sorts of nature related adventures with my wonderful fiancé, Wayne. I look forward to seeing all of your wonderful pets around the office!