DPC Veterinary Hospital

6991 Stirling Rd, Davie, FL 33314

Phone: (954) 998-9879

Fax: (954) 989-8660

Call Us (954) 998-9879

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Consultation Request

Requesting a call from a local Animal Hospital is easy! Fill out the form below and your local clinic will contact you as soon as they can.

If this is an emergency, please contact your local Emergency Veterinary Hospital immediately, or call 911.

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Elizabeth, Reception

Elizabeth, Reception

My name is Elizabeth, and I joined the Reception team at DPC in April 2011. I have been involved with pets in one way or another since I was in high school,  But, I entered into  the veterinary field in 2007.  I enjoy the opportunity to assist our clients primarily via phone; however, you will begin to see me at the front counter as I continue my training with DPC!

I moved to Fort Lauderdale from the San Francisco Bay Area with my husband and our furry family in March of 2010.  In my free time, my husband and I can usually be found at the beach, entertaining, watching hockey or football.  I also enjoy retail therapy.

It is a pleasure to be a part of the DPC team. I look forward to assisting you and do my best to make your interactions with our office as enjoyable as possible