Mattapoisett Animal Hospital

91 County Rd, Mattapoisett, MA 02739

Phone: (508) 758-6400

Fax: (508) 758-3966

Call Us (508) 758-6400

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Dr. Michael Raposo

Dr. Michael Raposo

Dr Michael Raposo is a 2011 graduate from the University of Florida, College of Veterinary Medicine. He is a long time resident of Mattapoisett where he graduated from Old Rochester High School in 2003. Mike knew he wanted to be a Veterinarian since being employed as a technician at the Mattpoisett Animal Hospital in 2001. After vet school, Mike completed a rotating internship in internal medicine, surgery and emergency medicine at Ocean State Veterinary Specialists in East Greenwich, Rhode Island. He owns a 4 year old black lab mix named Jetty. When enjoying time outside of the animal hospital, you can find him boating, fishing, working out at the gym and taking Jetty to the beach or for long hikes