Mattapoisett Animal Hospital

91 County Rd, Mattapoisett, MA 02739

Phone: (508) 758-6400

Fax: (508) 758-3966

Call Us (508) 758-6400

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 Dr. Jill O'Brien

Dr. Jill O'Brien

Dr Jill O'Brien is a 1991 graduate of the Tufts School of Veterinary Medicine. She enjoys small animal medicine and surgery as well as treating birds, reptiles and small mammals. She also has considerable expertise as a veterinary acupuncturist. Jill is married and has 3 children. Her family also includes 10 cats, 2 dogs, 2 horses, a guinea pig, 2 mice, 2 parakeets, 3 frogs, a gecko and 5 chickens.