Mattapoisett Animal Hospital

91 County Rd, Mattapoisett, MA 02739

Phone: (508) 758-6400

Fax: (508) 758-3966

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Dr. Jay Gould

Dr. Jay Gould

Dr Jay Gould is a graduate of Phillips Academy and Denison University. He received his DVM from Cornell University in 1976. He performed a rotating internship, 2 year medical residency and was a staff member for 2 years at the Animal Medical Center in NYC where he became a board certifed specialist in small animal internal medicine. Following a few years in a private referral practice in Huntington, Long Island, Jay spend 8 years on the faculty at the vet school at Cornell where he taught small animal and exotic animal medicine and was a referral clinician in their Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital. He has been happily married to Susan since 1983. They fell in love with Mattapoisett and opened the hospital in 1994. They live in Rochester with 3 dogs, 3 cats, a parakeet, a finch and a 40 year old femail turtle named Ralph. Jay is an avid windsurfer, snowboarder and football fan. He enjoys painting with water colors and some of his paintings decorate the hospital.